Thank you for taking the time to fill in this survey. Your feedback is extremely valuable and we will listen to all suggestions and thoughts given. We are passionate about continuous improvement in the business and so this will really help us. First name * Last name * What were the objectives set out at the beginning of the training? * List 3 ways how you intend to implement this into your working day * What other takeaways did you gain from the training session? * Please suggest how we can improve the effectiveness of this training * Regarding the quality of your training, how would you rate the following: Clarity of communication in relation to subject matter(s) * ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor Flow of information and layout / format of presentation * ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor Increase in your professional development as a result of training module * ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor Level of engagement and interest in training module * ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor Use of multimedia in a course: videos, pictures, webinars, text, etc. * ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor Distribution of time among various components of the course * ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor How do you rate your overall training experience? * ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor Why did you score the training like this? * In your own words, please explain the strengths and weaknesses of this training program. Strengths * Weaknesses * Do you have any last comments/suggestions about the training? * We will never share your personal information and we promise to keep your identity anonymous. Would you be happy for us to use some of this information in our marketing activities? Yes Please review our privacy policy to see how the data we collect through our website will be used and protected from misuse. I consent to the use of my data as set out in your privacy policy.